Of all the used dwarf models that came in the lot that I bought back in the summer, the only one missing a component was the Thane model; he was missing his axe. His mighty axe. Gone. Lost in the warp.
"Aye ain't 'armless, aye still got me teeth!" |
The paint job on this one was refreshingly basic, so doing my thing over it shouldn't be too challenging I think. I'm tempted to keep that pink trim on his cloak, just for the humor of it.
Gotta have solid stones to rock the pink frill. |
Going through my bits, I found this hammer from the early '00s multi-part dwarf kit that I determined would do the trick. With minimal tinkering I was able to get it to fit, and I think it looks pretty tough.
Heavy metal indeed! |
Being the big-bad Thane that he is, I thought he needed a suitable base. Who needs a tactical rock when you got tactical slab! This came from the old citadel basing kit. I added a few skulls too in order to make it a bit more interesting.
But is that enough skulls? |
Here he is being test fit to the base. Yeah, I think he's going to look cool on this thing. I was surprised at how balanced he was on it, which will make gluing him to it a little easier.
Surprisingly balanced. |
I painted the base up first. I like to keep things detached at this stage in order to get a cleaner paint job.
Painted rock and skulls. |
Painting this guy was pretty straightforward because he was more metallic colors than anything else.
The green is my typical mix that I use for my dwarves: Caliban Green with a highlight of old Woodland Green. As I paint more of these guys in this scheme the cool greens contrasting against the hot metallics seem to work better. Especially when a lot of them are all ranked up.
And yes, that purplish trim contrasts nicely against that cloak also. He's a Thane with a sense of style.
Style. Pimp royale.
I used the existing color that was on the cloak as base for my greens and it works well giving the green an added sense of depth that I like. I'm not sure but I think that existing color was Kabalite Green or an older analog of it... just not too sure actually.
I needed more depth on his beard so I washed it with Nuln Oil and highlighted it again with White Scar. After a few touch-ups, he was good and done.
Hammer time! |
Here he is ranked up with the dwarf warriors that I painted a few months ago. I think he looks good and stands out prominently as a leader among his peers.
A true leader indeed! |